As shown in Table 5-4 the meaning of each abbreviated word is:
Transaction identifier hi: Transaction Identifier high byte
Transaction identifier lo: Transaction Identifier low byte
Protocol identifier hi: Protocol Identifier high byte
Protocol identifier lo: Protocol Identifier low byte
Length hi: length high byte
Length lo: length low byte
Unit identifier: slave address
Fun: function code
Data start reg hi: start register address high byte
Data start reg lo: start register address low byte
Data #of regs hi: number of register high byte
Data #of regs lo: number of register low byte
a. Read Status Relay (Function Code 01)
Function Code 01
This function code is used to read relay status in Acuvim-L series meter.
There are 2 Relays in the meter, and the starting address is 0000H.
The following query is to read 2 Relays Status of the meter Address 1.
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