schedule can be divided up into 14 segments (in which each segment can have
its own tariff).
User can customize the TOU calendar (including its tariffs, seasons, schedules
and segments) according to different applications. To make sure that the TOU
calendar is setup correctly, the meter will check the TOU settings according to
the predefined rules (see below for “TOU setting format requirement” for details).
TOU function will be disabled if the TOU calendar is set up incorrectly. If no
errors are found in the calendar and the TOU function is enabled, TOU energy
accumulation will begin.
TOU setting format requirement:
1. Season setting parameter: The calendar year will be divided up into different
seasons depending on the season setting parameter. The parameter can be
selected from any integer between 1 to 12. User must enter the correct value
for the season setting parameter in accordance to the TOU season table. If the
season setting parameter is set as 2, the first 2 slots of the TOU season table must
be set, otherwise it will be considered as an invalid input (TOU function will be
2. TOU season format: Enter the start date into the TOU season table slot
following this format “MM-DD ID” - MM stands for the month, DD stands for the
day and ID stands for the TOU schedule ID (available from 01 to 14). The dates
should be organized so that they are in sequence according to the calendar
year (the earlier date comes first and the later date comes last). For example, if 3
seasons are selected, the date parameters are January 1, June 6 and September 7,
and TOU schedule 02, 01, 03 will be used respectively, the first TOU season table
slot shall enter 01-01 02, the second slot shall enter 06-06 01, and the third slot
shall enter 09-07 03. Entering 01-01 02 for the first slot, 09-07 03 for the second
slot and 06-06 01 for the third slot is considered invalid.
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