Approximately every 4 to 5 minutes when using Welsh Coal from Coles’, check condition of fire .
Coal from Coles’ burns fairly fast. Other coat may burn slower.
A strong bed of embers needs to be maintained, and coal should be added as necessary .
The intensity of the fire can be watched through the 2 holes in the door.
Adjusting the Fire.
Pressure dropping below 55 Ibs, turn on the blower valve.
Safety continuously blowing off, close blower valve, if open, and open firebox door.
When running very slowly with light load it may be necessary to crack blower valve.
I Left Fire Die Down too low.
Add 1 shovel of coal, turn on blower - wait for fire to build.
As fire builds, slowly add more shovels of coal to renew bed of embers.
The fire went out.
If the dead bed of coal Is not too deep, add several scoops of charcoal. Place fan in stack, relight char
coal, turn fan on.
As fire builds, add Coal.
When pressure reaches 10 to 15 Ibs, remove fan and turn on blower.
If heavy bed of coal, dump grates and start over from scratch with charcoal.
You should be able to reuse the unburned coal that was dumped.
Ending Your Run
Cease adding coal and let the fire burn out while the engine continues to run.
When pressure drops to about 45 lbs. Run engine onto cooling track.
Close throttle, close lubricator valve, close blower valve. Open firebox door.
Open gauge glass drain for a few moments to flush out glass, close drain.
Water level may be left at or slightly above the red line during short term storage
As soon as fire is totally out, no visible embers, open blower to release boiler pressure, disconnect lender pump
feed and bypass return line.
When engine is cool close blower valve.
Brush cinders from engine and tender with soft 1 1/2 inch paint brush.
Drain all water from tender by turning upside down.
Place engine so that rear truck overhangs a table edge or track decking.
With wastebasket or open ground under overhanging portion of engine, pull grate / ash pan pin, remove and
empty .
Brush off any unburned coal. ash and cinders from rear truck and its swivel linkage. ( Old toothbrush works wen. )
Brush off grate / ash pan and replace on engine.
Drain water from lubricator and refill level with the bottom of cross the tube. Consumption should average about 1
to 1 112 cc per hour of running time.
After Run Servicing
Remove grate / ash pan
Place engine on table so that front truck and rear truck are on newspaper or paper towel.
Open hinged Smoke box door and using the flue brush, thoroughly brush out the lubes and flue.