Use computer vacuum to remove accumulated cinders from Smoke box.
With rear truck overhanging table edge, use toothbrush to brush out firebox sides, front and back.
Brush off rear truck and its swivel linkage.
Re-Iubricate front and rear truck axles and swivel linkage. Use straight SAE - 40 weight oil. Lightly spray
running gear with WD-40 and wipe excess off with a paper towel. Re-Iubricate entire running gear. Use
straight SAE - 40 weight oil.
Replace grate/ash pan
Remove grate I ash pan
Place engine on table so that front truck and rear truck are on newspaper or paper towel.
Remove Smoke box front. one 1.6mm hex bolt at top of boiler.
Use the flue brush to thoroughly brush out the lubes and flue.
Use computer vacuum to remove accumulated cinders from Smoke box.
Use toothbrush to thoroughly brush inside of smoke box and its pipe work; vacuum again . With rear truck
overhanging table edge, use toothbrush to brush out firebox sides, front and back.
Brush off rear truck and its swivel linkage.
Using “Stoddard” solvent in a sprayer, thoroughly wash out smoke box, smoke box front, engine and run
ning gear, and firebox.
Wipe off residue with paper towels and let engine air dry for a while.
Lightly spray running gear with WD-40 and wipe excess off with a paper towel. Reassemble smoke box,
replace grate / ash pan .
Re-lubricate entire engine. Use straight SAE - 40 weight oil.
After re-lubricating, wipe the engine and tender with a paper towel dampened with Lemon Pledge, or
similar furniture polish.
Short Term Storage
Follow the steps for cleaning the engine listed above in “AFTER 3 TO 4 HOURS OF RUNNING.”
If the engine will be fired again within 60 days, you may leave the boiler with water at or above the red line on the
gauge glass,
Store engine and tender in a dry environment. Do not wrap in plastic; condensation can form with temperature
changes and the moisture can nol evaporate.
Long Term Storage
Follow the steps for cleaning the engine listed above in “AFTER 3 TO 4 HOURS OF RUNNING.”
Drain boiler
Place a length of large model airplane fuel line on both the gauge glass and boiler blow down pipes.
Unscrew Goodall Valve from boiler.
Open both boiler and gauge glass blow downs and lei baiter drain out. When empty. close valves and
replace Goodall Valve.
Store engine and tender in a dry environment. Do not wrap in plastic; condensation can form with temperature
changes and the moisture can not evaporate.