13. Testing the steering-,drive-, and shift function
Place the model on a suitable base (wooden block or similar) to test the steering and handling functions.
The wheels should rotate freely.
a) Test the steering function
For the testing turn on the transmitter and the receiver.
If you did everything correctly connected and installed,
the steering should respond to the rotary motion of the
steering wheel.
When the steering wheel is in the middle position,
the wheels need to be aligned.
If the wheels are at an angle, even though the steering
wheel is in the center position, you also check whether
the servo arm to the steering linkage is wrong.
In this case, disconnect the servo arm and screw it on
a "teeth" offset again.
If necessary, other variations of the wheel positions can
be corrected by adjusting the steering linkage.
If you steer left, the wheels have to turn to the left. If you
steer right, the wheels have to turn to the right.
If the control direction exactly opposite to react to control, you can easily re-program the direction of
the transmitter. See therefor in the chapter "Selection of Menus" and then "Reverse".
Picture 8