User manual Version 1.0
Modbus Gateway
(1) Configure Slave A: Set the IP address and TCP Port of Slave A, as well as ID range for Slave A.
Enter the Slave A parameters, Salve IP, TCP Port 502, using TCP (communication protocol)
as the Data Mode, and the slave device response time. Enter the ID and then click
to add to
the list. Click
after configuring the slave device and ID to add to the list.
(2) Configure Slave B: Set the IP address and TCP Port of Slave B, as well as ID range for Slave B.
Enter the Slave B parameters, Salve IP, TCP Port 502, using TCP (communication protocol)
as the Data Mode, and the slave device response time. Enter the ID and then click
to add to
the list. Click
after configuring the slave device and ID to add to the list.
Port2 “Serial Device Mode” setup
Port2 is the Modbus ASCII Master device, therefore
Serial Device Mode is set to Master
Data Mode is set to ASCII
Configure the Slave device after the Master device is configured. Both Port2 and Port1 will need to access
data from Slave A and Slave B, therefore repeat the procedures as for Port1.
(1) Configure Slave A: Set the IP address and TCP Port of Slave A, as well as ID range for Slave A.
Enter the Slave A parameters, Salve IP, TCP Port 502, using TCP (communication protocol)
as the Data Mode, and the slave device response time. Enter the ID and then click
to add to
the list. Click
after configuring the slave device and ID to add to the list.