Ultima OPIR-5 Detector
4.0 Operation
The Ultima OPIR-5 Detector front panel includes an LED digital display, Alarm and Warning
LEDs, and displays a set of menu options that provide the user with the most flexible detector
system possible. In addition to the Ultima OPIR-5 Detector menu options for operations and
configuration tasks, there is an extensive set of Modbus and HART commands for the same
tasks that can be sent from remote Modbus and HART devices in control room areas.
The Ultima OPIR-5 Detector menu options are described in detail in this section.
Modbus commands are described in a separate Modbus programming manual
available for download from the MSA website.
HART commands are described in the HART Field Device Specification available for
download from the MSA website.
4.1 Using the Ultima OPIR-5 Detector Menus
The Ultima OPIR-5 Detector menus allow the user to complete many operational tasks.
Start the alignment of the Source and Receiver or initiate a gas check via Test Gas
Configure the % LEL required to generate a Warning or Alarm, as well as the warning
and alarm relay settings for Energized/De-energized and Latching/Non-Latching,
Configure Modbus or HART communication settings.
Select mirror image option for display (FLP)
Select delays for beam block fault