3. Characteristics of the failure (multiple alternatives may be selected)
Does not close on command.
Does not open on command.
Closes without command
Open without command
Does not make the current
Does not break the current
Fails to carry current
Breakdown to earth
Breakdown between poles
Internal breakdown across open pole
External breakdown across open pole
Locking on open or closed position
Loose parts
Missing parts
Faulty parts
Surface defect other then corrosion
Incorrect function
Change in functional characteristics
Incorrect closing time
Incorrect opening time, coil I
Incorrect opening time, coil II
Incorrect damping
Incorrect CLOSE/OPEN time
Too high resistance
Incorrect pre-insertion time for the resistors
Incorrect time span between contacts
4. External circumstances
(Many alternatives may be selected)
Strong wind
Sudden variation in temperature
Snow, ice or hoar-frost
Corrosive atmosphere
Fog or high humidity
Ambient temperature( C)
Failure Report