Failure Report
Number (by ABB)
In case of failure please take a copy of this form is and complete it as fully as possible, to
make feasible failure analysis and rectify it. For selecting options tick suitable box. If no
alternative is applicable, proper description can be filled out in the space provided. Item
description should be given for both circuit- breaker and operating mechanism.
1. Identification
Date -------------
Customer ----------------
Item designation Serial number
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Order number -----------------------
2. Historical data
Condition of the breaker when the failure was detected (only one
alternative to be selected)
In service
During maintenance
During installation
Use of the circuit- breaker (Only one alternative to be selected)
Line breaker
Reactor breaker
Capacitor breaker
Transformer breaker
By-pass breaker
Date taken into service--------------- Date of failure-------------------------
Date of last overhaul------------------
Total number of operating cycles since taken into service------------
Total number of operating cycles since last overhaul---------------