SensyMaster FMT230, FMT250
… 8 Commissioning and operation
… Interface description
Modbus register
address (application)
Parameter name
Data type [register length] /
value range
… / Sensor / ...Application 1 ... 8 / ...A1...Gas data – ...A8...Gas data
7163 (1), 7209 (2),
7255 (3), 7301 (4),
7347 (5), 7393 (6),
7439 (7), 7485 (8)
Mean Operating Temp.
Set the average measuring medium temperature of the application.
7161 (1), 7207 (2),
7253 (3), 7299 (4),
7345 (5), 7391 (6),
7437 (7), 7483 (8)
Mean Operating Press
Set the average measuring medium pressure of the application.
6001 (1), 6011 (2),
6021 (3), 6031 (4),
6041 (5), 6051 (6),
6061 (7), 6071 (8)
Gas Type 1
See table
Available gas types
page 63.
Gas type and concentration for gas components 1 ... 10 of a gas mix.
7001 (1), 7021 (2),
7041 (3), 7061 (4),
7081 (5), 7101 (6),
7121 (7), 7041 (8)
Concentr. Gas Type 1
6002 (1), 6012 (2),
6022 (3), 6032 (4),
6042 (5), 6052 (6),
6062 (7), 6072 (8)
Gas Type 2
7003 (1), 7023 (2),
7043 (3), 7063 (4),
7083 (5), 7103 (6),
7123 (7), 7043 (8)
Concentr. Gas Type 2
The value range depends on the concentration of gas types with a
smaller index.
Maximum 0 … 50 %
6003 (1), 6013 (2),
6023 (3), 6033 (4),
6043 (5), 6053 (6),
6063 (7), 6073 (8)
Gas Type 3
7005 (1), 7025 (2),
7045 (3), 7065 (4),
7085 (5), 7105 (6),
7125 (7), 7045 (8)
Concentr. Gas Type 3
The value range depends on the concentration of gas types with a
smaller index.
Maximum 0 ... 33.33 %.
6004 (1), 6014 (2),
6024 (3), 6034 (4),
6044 (5), 6054 (6),
6064 (7), 6074 (8)
Gas Type 4
7007 (1), 7027 (2),
7047 (3), 7067 (4),
7087 (5), 7107 (6),
7127 (7), 7047 (8)
Concentr. Gas Type 4
The value range depends on the concentration of gas types with a
smaller index.
Maximum 0 ... 25 %.
6005 (1), 6015 (2),
6025 (3), 6035 (4),
6045 (5), 6055 (6),
6065 (7), 6075 (8)
Gas Type 5
7009 (1), 7029 (2),
7049 (3), 7069 (4),
7089 (5), 7109 (6),
7129 (7), 7049 (8)
Concentr. Gas Type 5
The value range depends on the concentration of gas types with a
smaller index.
Maximum 0 ... 20 %