• Per For the test with SACE PR222MP protection releases version 1 (with automatic data read-
ing by the PR010/T unit) the maximum test current is 7.3*In; that is why the automatic test
will test the protection functions in accordance with the above.
• The automatic test and the manual test with the default parameter set can only be performed if
the protection release is configured in Electronic SET (ELT) mode using the dip switch pro-
• The manual test with the user's parameter set can be run both in electronic SET (ELT) and in
manual SET (MAN) mode. In the case of manual test with manual SET, thresholds and curves
must be selected with the dip-switches on the protection; they are automatically updated on
the display of the PR010/T unit, where only the test current and the phase on which it is to be
applied must be set.
• If the PTC for protection against overtemperature is not present, during the tests it is necessary
to set the "Input" dip-switch as the generic input (Input = 0/1).
• The "Welded contacts" (WC) input has to be at 0V (no alarm) during the tests.
• At the end of each test, the PR010/T unit waits until the thermal memory has returned to zero
before proceeding with any subsequent tests in order to avoid any overlap in operation
between the function being tested and the overload function (L).
• For the test on the protection function against locked rotor (R), the PR010/T unit waits for an
initial interval, which depends on the class specified for the L protection function (max. dura-
tion 24s) before performing the test.
• If during test, reading or programming operations, CB type and CT current rating are not yet
defined, the following message will be displayed:
To set the missing data, proceed as follows:
1. Press ENTER
2. Select the type of CB and the current rating of the CT
3. Store the settings by pressing ENTER
Connect the test wire provided (between the SACE PR010/T and the SACE
PR222MP) the right way round (see drawing in par. 5)
Example of an automatic test application on the PR222MP release
the data indicating the type of CB and protection and the current rating of
the CTs are automatically identified by the PR010/T test unit.
Config. not valid