I/O System S900
Communication Interface for PROFIBUS DP, CI920
voter treats both lines identically in all respects, so that different slaves (S900
systems) of a trunk – with the lines properly working – can be operated on
different lines. Each CI920 of the I/O System S900 is allocated its own station
address (or none, in case of LR_NONE). The station address of the redundant
Communication Interface and the redundancy operating mode is passed to the
passive Communication Interface by the active Communication Interface
after it has started up.
If the PROFIBUS line fails (the one the active Communication Interface uses
to handle the user data communication with the master), the active
Communication Interface recognizes this fact. As a consequence, the two
CI920 of the I/O System S900 swap their PROFIBUS station addresses. The
previously passive Communication Interface becomes the active CI920 and
vice versa. Now the master tries to include the active CI920 on the redundant
line in the cyclic data exchange. Since the lines cannot be diagnosed during
the start-up period and the redundant line could also be defective, the start-up
(time) is monitored by the active CI920. When the active CI920 achieves the
cyclic data exchange with the master, time monitoring is stopped, since now
the line could be monitored. If the active CI920 does not achieve the cyclic
data exchange with the master within the predefined start-up time (default
setting = 8 s), another redundancy toggle is performed. For the time used for
redundancy toggling and the startup time the module outputs retain their last
valid values. If the cyclic data exchange could not be achieved after the first
redundancy toggle, the originally active CI920 sets the module outputs to the
parameterized safety condition/value after expiration of the startup time and
after switching back to the originally active CI920. Retaining the input values
during redundancy switching can only be ensured by the master system. The
S900 ensures that already the first data telegram to the master will contain
valid input data when entering the cyclic data exchange. This cannot be
ensured for cyclic HART variables.
Redundancy Mode "Off" (0)
In redundancy operating mode off the redundant CI920 is in “passive
reserve”. The redundant (passive) CI920 does not have a valid station address
and thus cannot be accessed via the PROFIBUS. This redundancy operating
mode does not require any special behavior by the PROFIBUS master system.
The redundant CI920 becomes active when
the active CI920 is removed, or