I/O System S900
Communication Interface for PROFIBUS DP, CI920
5. Commissioning
S900 project planning using the GSD file
This section can only give you a general overview of how to proceed in this
case, since the procedure considerably depends on the master system used.
Please refer to the respective reference manuals for details. Systems like the
ABB AC800F with its Control Builder F program provide to the user a
comfortable user interface for convenient configuration and parameterization
with plain text displays. Other systems like COM-PROFIBUS from Siemens
use the same principle, which is described here briefly.
First the GSD file must be copied to a sub-directory under the configuration
program or programming tool, i.e. the folder where all GSD files are stored
(usually \GSD\...). Additionally, three other files for graphical presentation of
the data are delivered with the GSD file.
In some cases, the extension of the database or hardware catalog with the new
slaves / GSD files needs to be selected explicitly (Read GSD...). The setup of
a new system including the master is described in detail in the respective
reference manuals and can only be discussed here in brief.
Usually, the drag an drop function is used to add new slaves or modules to a
modular slave like S900. First make a logical connection between the slave
and the bus. Select the slave from the respective menu. To facilitate the
search operations, the slaves are grouped in families. S900 belongs to the I/O-
Devices family. When the slave is linked to the bus, a free bus address is
assigned to it. Seen from the physical point of view, this corresponds to an
S900 termination unit without any modules plugged in. The "empty" S900
station is then extended with the CI920 and the individual I/O modules.
The CI920 must be plugged in slot 0.
When the module is plugged in the master, the data traffic of the individual
modules and, thus, of the entire station is known. As a result, the master and
S900 can assign the input and output data of specific modules and channels in