I/O System S900
Communication Interface for PROFIBUS DP, CI920
the PROFIBUS communication of the active CI920 fails longer than 15 s.
This operating mode features the following restriction:
No diagnostics of the redundant PROFIBUS line.
Redundancy Mode "1"
In redundancy operating mode LR_MODE1 a certain behavior of the master
is assumed, in order to be able to diagnose all failures of the PROFIBUS
lines. The redundant CI920 becomes active when
the active CI920 is removed, or
the PROFIBUS communication of the active CI920 fails.
This redundancy operating mode features the following characteristics:
Monitoring the active PROFIBUS connection in transmit and receive
Diagnosing the redundant PROFIBUS connection in transmit and receive
No additional engineering requirements,
No additional bus load.
The CI920 must be parameterized accordingly for redundancy.
The address of the passive CI920 must be a vacant node address.
The PROFIBUS master must poll the passive CI920 (FDL status polling).
Alternatively a minimum configuration can be set up for each passive
CI920. This is optional and facilitates the diagnostics in the control
system. The configuration is limited to a CI920 user data (CIPB C), so
that the bus load does not increase drastically.
Both PROFIBUS lines must be sufficiently isolated.