REM 543 Protection,
Monitoring and Control
Page 23
Technical Reference Manual
Part 1, General
ABB Network Partner
REM 543: PS1_4_ACFail
Overtemperature indication
The REM 543 machine terminal includes an internal temperature supervision function.
The power supply module gives an internal alarm signal when overtemperature has
been detected inside the terminal enclosure. The alarm signal will be activated once the
temperature inside the terminal enclosure increases to +78
C (+75...+83
C). Overtem-
perature indication is available in the machine terminal configuration and can be con-
nected to any signal output of the terminal. The overtemperature indication input in the
machine terminal configuration is as follows:
REM 543: PS1_4_TempAlarm
Analogue channels
The machine terminal measures the analogue signals needed for protection, measuring,
etc. via sensors or galvanically separated matching transformers. The machine terminals
can be ordered with the following matching transformers:
5 current and 4 voltage transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, VT1, VT2, VT3,
6 current and 3 voltage transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, VT1, VT2,
7 current and 2 voltage transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, VT1,
8 current and 1 voltage transformers; CT1, CT2, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8,
In addition to conventional matching transformers, current sensors and voltage dividers
developed by ABB can be used in REM 543 machine terminals. The machine terminal
has 8 sensor inputs. A current sensor (Rogowski coil) or a voltage divider can be con-
nected to each sensor input. The machine terminal allows the user to configure each
sensor input for the type of sensor to be used.
The matching transformers and sensor inputs of the machine terminal are designed so
that either sensors or matching transformers can be used on the measuring channels 2...4
and 7...10. Should a matching transformer be used on a channel, no sensor is allowed to
be used on the same channel or vice versa. On channel 1 only sensors can be used and
on channels 5 and 6 only matching transformers.
Each REM 543 machine terminal has 9 or 10 analogue channels, depending on whether
sensors are included or not. The number of channels used depends on the machine ter-
minal configuration and the kind of matching transformers or sensor inputs used. Fur-