REM 543 Protection,
Monitoring and Control
Page 21
Technical Reference Manual
Part 1, General
ABB Network Partner
External parameterization
The Relay Setting Tool is used for parameterizing and setting the REM 543 machine
terminals externally. The parameters can be set off-line on a PC and downloaded to the
relay over a communication port. The menu structure of the relay setting tool, including
views relating to parameterization and settings, is the same as the menu structure of the
machine terminal.
Fig. Main dialogue box of the Relay Setting Tool.
Storing of parameters and recorded data
When parameter values are changed, the new values take effect immediately. However,
the new parameter values as well as the recorded data are saved in a non-volatile mem-
ory only after they have been stored via the parameter “Store” in the menu Configura-
tion/General. (Refer also to the Operator’s Manual 1MRS 750500-MUM.)
Provided the storing was completed successfully, the information stored in the non-vol-
atile memory is preserved in the memory also in case of a power interruption. During
the storing procedure, it is not possible to reset the relay via the parameter "Software
reset" or to load a new project.
For storing the values of measuring devices refer to section "Technical data of the meas-
uring devices".