warning description whether to proceed or stop and take care of the
alarm condition.
Using Manual Peak Find
From the Analyzer Operation screen, click on the Peak Find button, and
check the Manual box at the top of the screen. If the Manual check box is
grayed out, close the Peak Find screen, click on the View option from the
main toolbar and select Expert. Return to the Analyzer Operation screen,
and click on the Peak Find button. The user should now be able to check
the Manual box.
There is now a Peak Setup table, and the various parameter fields can
be modified. There are areas in the Peak Setup table such as Slope
(Run), Slope (Rise) and Front Height Ratio that cannot be modified. The
Gate On, Gate Off and Minimum Peak Area can be changed. If the user
needs to make adjustments in the Peak Setup table, the Post Process
feature will reprocess the change without having to run a cycle. Pressure
and time/duration changes in this area require a Run Single Cycle be
performed to process new data. Click the Help button for more
information on these parameters.
Peak Find Screen for Chrom 1 (Heavies)