Step 19 Placing the Unit in Run Mode
On the Operation screen, click the Run button. The Current and
Next Mode indicators for Run will illuminate. The unit will now run
the streams as specified by the Stream Sequence screen. The
unit will run in this mode until manually placed in a different
mode or automatically put into the Calibration mode by the
Calibration Schedule.
To set up an automatic calibration schedule, click on the
Calibration icon. Upon completion, select the Calibration
Schedule tab, and click the appropriate radio button for the
schedule that the user prefers. After a scheduled calibration, the
unit will return to its normal stream sequence.
Allow at least the first stream to complete and verify that the
Unnormalized total is 100% +/- .5 (99.5 – 100.5)
This concludes setting up the NGC in relation to processing analysis
data. Information regarding wiring for communications is presented in the
Communications section of this guide. For more thorough information,
refer to the NGC 8206 User’s Manual or corresponding Help file. Port
information can be viewed by displaying the tree-view within the
PCCU32 software and clicking on a port under the Communications
Remote Communication
To communicate with the host, the NGC defaults to Comm 1 and
defaults the protocol to Totalflow Remote. The protocol deals primarily
with communications between the NGC and host (typically WinCCU).