Start-Up Troubleshooting
The NGC is factory calibrated and comes with a standard set of
configuration files. Typically, the NGC should not require adjustments;
however, due to outside factors (Barometric Pressure, etc.), the unit may
require some adjustments.
This section is designed for troubleshooting new installation issues only.
Detailed troubleshooting techniques and procedures may be found in the
Troubleshooting section of the Totalflow NGC8206 User’s Manual.
Following successful completion of any of these troubleshooting
techniques, the unit should be calibrated.
Using Peak Find
Many of the troubleshooting techniques will require use of the Peak Find
tools. The following provides basic information on how this feature works.
Peak Find is divided into two levels of functionality: Automatic Peak Find
and Manual Peak Find. Auto Peak Find performs many of the tasks for
the user to include locating and labeling peaks. As such, it requires little
or no input from the user. Manual Peak Find, on the other hand, requires
the user to manually change carrier pressures, inject time, backflush
time, etc. If the unit gets in a condition and/or the sample blend being
used causes the Auto Peak Find to not work properly, the user may be
required to use Manual Peak Find to perform some fine tuning.
To use either Peak Find function, the user must first place the unit in
Hold. Once in Hold, select Peak Find from the Analyzer Operation
screen. Please notice that the Manual check box is grayed out and not
available at this level of access. Windows for Carrier Pressures, Purge
Time, etc., will be grayed out but will periodically be refreshed to reflect
changes during the Auto Peak Find process.
Using Auto Peak Find
Select Run Auto PF on the Peak Find screen. The unit will typically
require 9 or 10 cycles (approximately 50 - 55 minutes) to complete the
process. Even though chromatograms are refreshed after each cycle and
may be viewed by clicking between C3-C6+ and N2-C2, the peaks and
component labeling will not be correct until the Auto Peak Find process
is complete. The user should receive a message indicating a successful
completion. Acknowledge the message, and click the Re-read button to
insure that the latest data is being displayed. At this point, look at Chrom-
1 and Chrom-2 to verify that all peaks are accounted for, and they are
labeled. If a problem exists, see Manual Peak Find below.
After verifying that the chromatograms look correct, close the Peak Find
screen, put the unit in Run mode and allow it to stabilize for 5 or 6 cycles.
If no alarms occur during this period, perform a calibration. Note that
some alarms are just warnings and may not stop the user from
proceeding with the calibration. The user should be able to tell from the