ABB i-bus
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Product Manual | EN | MG/S | 9AKK108467A5941 Rev. B 51
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This parameter is used to define the mathematical operation.
The options
Multiply by
Divide by
are arithmetical connections that are always available.
For unidirectional data points (either the
Read Function
or the
Write Function
), there are also logical
connections available.
These are:
equals ( = )
is not equal to ( ≠ )
is less than ( < )
is greater than ( > )
These logical connections return "1" if the result corresponds to the condition and "0" if not.
The function is deactivated.
Multiply by ( x )
Multiplies the value.
Divide by ( - )
Divides the value.
Equals ( = )
The value is the same.
Is not equal to ( ≠ )
The value is different.
Less than ( < )
The value is less than.
Greater than ( > )
The value is greater than.
Prerequisites for visibility
This parameter is in the
Config Device x
parameter window.
Operation Value
This parameter is used to define the value for the operation.
-32768 … 0 … 32767
Prerequisites for visibility
This parameter is in the
Config Device x
parameter window.