KNX Technical Reference Manual | 0073-1-7388 | 11
Pos: 18.12 /Produkthandbuch - DIN-A4/Überschriften/2. Ebene/A - F/Betriebsarten @ 13\mod_1286276050737_15.doc @ 91535 @ 22
Operating modes
Pos: 18.13 /Spezial/Neues Layout 2010/Steuermodule_Neues_Layou+++++++++++ Wechsel von ein- auf zweis+++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898451593_0.doc @ 52140 @
Pos: 18.14 /Produkthandbuch - DIN-A4/Busch-triton/Raumtemperaturregler/Betriebsarten_zwei @ 13\mod_1286273939022_15.doc @ 91528 @ 2
: Standby mode lowers the
temperature below the value of comfort
mode. This saves energy and does not cool
down the room even during an extended
: Comfort mode regulates the
temperature to suit the occupants while
present. It can be called up time-controlled
or via a telegram.
Dew point
: If an appropriate telegram is
received from a dew point sensor, the room
thermostat will display the corresponding
symbol and cease cooling and merely
protect against the heat.
: The alarm can be freely
parameterized. For example, it can occur
when an external temperature sensor no
longer sends values.
Night setback
: The temperature can be
reduced during the night. This saves energy
and makes the night's rest comfortable. The
heating starts again automatically the next
morning to reach a comfortable temperature
for rising.
Frost protection
: If parameterized, frost
protection will ensure that the temperature
does not drop below the desired value. It is
the lowest setpoint.
Heat protection
: If parameterized, heat
protection will ensure that the temperature
does not exceed the desired value. It is the
highest setpoint.
: The operation of a fan coil may
cause condensate water, which is collected
in a container. If the fan coil sends out a
telegram when the container is full, the
symbol for condensate mode is displayed.
The room thermostat immediately switches
into heat protection mode.
Pos: 18.15 /Spezial/Neues Layout 2010/Steuermodule_Neues_Layou+++++++++++ Wechsel zwei- auf eins+++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898591406_0.doc @ 52144 @
Pos: 19 /Spezial/Neues Layout 2010/Steuermodule_Neues_Layou+++++++++++ Seitenu+++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898668093_0.doc @ 52149 @