Electric shock due to negligent behavior during hot swapping!
To avoid electric shock
make sure the following conditions apply:
Digital outputs are not under load.
Input/output voltages above safety extra low voltage/
protective extra low voltage (SELV/PELV) are switched off.
Modules are fully interlocked with the terminal unit with both snap-fits
engaged before switching on loads or input/output voltage.
Never touch exposed contacts (dangerous voltages).
Stay away from electrical contacts to avoid arc discharge.
Do not operate a mechanical installation improperly.
Risk of damage to I/O modules!
Hot swapping is only allowed for I/O modules.
Processor modules and communication interface modules must not be removed
or inserted during operation.
ot swap
Hot swap
System requirements for hot swapping of I/O modules:
Types of terminal units that support hot swapping of I/O modules have the
appendix TU5xx-H.
I/O modules as of index F0.
The following I/O bus masters support hot swapping of attached I/O modules:
Communication interface modules CI5xx as of index F0.
Processor modules PM56xx-2ETH with firmware version as of V3.2.0.
Hot swap is not supported by AC500-eCo V3 CPU!
Replace an I/O module with hot swap > Preconditions for using hot swap
3ADR011074, 1, en_US