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SA+UA Test
SA Test
1. Enter Patient Information:
Enter Patient ID and select Species (Cat, Dog, Other, Control).
Enter Patient Name and Doctor Name if desired.
2. Enter physical characteristics of the sample (optional):
Use the drop-down option lists to select gross examination fields for the sample (Collection
Method, Color, and Clarity) for the medical record.
3. Enter specific gravity of the sample (optional):
Input specific gravity value of the sample, if available, in format 1.0xx. Specific gravity is often
measured using a refractometer.
4. Select Test Type (2 options):
SA+UA14, SA+UA10
5. Select Dilution if necessary:
Dilute the sample and select correct dilution. Undiluted is the default setting and appropriate
for most samples. Diluted samples are to be used on the SA analyzer only. If diluting a sample,
reserve undiluted sample for UA testing.
6. Click Run.
7. Mix urine sample by gently inverting.
8. Place tube below sample probe and press blue start paddle.
1. Hold the sample below the sample probe leaving
a gap to the probe tip to allow the sample probe to
aspirate air prior to moving down for sampling.
2. Ensure sample probe touches tube bottom. and
maintains contact until the probe starts to move
back up.
UA Test
9. Re-mix urine sample by gently inverting.
10. Confirm Strip Type, Species, and PID (Patient ID) on UA analyzer. Prepare to apply urine with
dropper on UA strip. If incorrect, the UA test can be canceled by pressing the UA Back button, and
the overall test will be changed to SA only.
11. Press Test (Test Tube icon) button to start test. Countdown
timer appears. Perform the next three steps before the
timer reaches 35.