Module/Processor Communication
er 4
rol Words
Each control word is associated with two outputs. The lower byte of
control word 1 is associated with output 0. Its format is as follows:
Bits 0 through 2 are the comparison bits for output 0, preset A (greater
than, less than, equal to, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to).
Bits 3 through 5 are the comparison bits for output 0, preset B.
Bit 6 is the zero transition (ZT) bit. Set this bit when an output is to be
energized during a transition through 0.
Bit 7 is the output enable (OE) bit. This bit is examined along with the
comparison made by the module between your presets and the absolute
position of the encoder in turning on a module’s output. Although
comparisons to the presets may be true, if you don’t set this bit the
output is not turned on.
The upper byte of control word 1 is associated with output 1. The format
of this byte is similar to the format of the lower byte:
Bits 10 through 12 are the comparison bits for output 1, preset A.
Bits 13 through 15 are the comparison bits for output 1, preset B.
Bit 16 is the ZT bit.
Bit 17 is the OE bit.
The remaining control words with their corresponding outputs are:
word 6 - outputs 2 and 3
word 11 - outputs 4 and 5
word 16 - outputs 6 and 7
The present words define preset values for turn-on and turn-off points of
the corresponding output. You program them in BCD. Each block of four
preset words is associated with two outputs and is identical in format to
that for outputs 0 and 1:
word 2 - preset A for output 0
word 3 - preset B for output 0
word 4 - preset A for output 1
word 5 - preset B for output 1