7 2 Drive on level ground / overcoming obstacles
Set in neutral position (see
chapter 6.4).
» Retract climbers completely.
Pull the CR2303 carefully
backwards against curbs/
obstacles if you want to over-
come them.
To drive on level ground push
CR2303 forward.
NOTE - Climbers may not be extended because they could become damaged!
NOTE - Always raise climbers completely when overcoming curbs/obstacles to avoid damage.
Always cross the curbs/obstacles backwards!
7 3 Tilting the stair climbing system
WARNING - Always tilt the CR2303 when driving on slopes or during the climbing process!
Put your foot on the
housing and tilt the CR2303
slightly towards you.
» The stair climber has to be
» If there is neither pressure
nor tension noticeable at
the handles, the CR2303 is
balanced correctly.
The CR2303 can be moved.
» If you tilt the CR2303
further or too much, the sa-
fety brakes engage and the
CR2303 can‘t be moved
forward any more.
If you are not able to tilt
the CR2303 independently,
use the climbers as a
tipping aid
» Turn on the CR2303.
» Press the UP/DOWN
switch direction UP until
the main wheels are raised
by approx. 1-2 cm.
» Tilt the CR2303.
(Illustration 1)
» Then retract the climbers
» Move the CR2303.
(Illustration 2)