4 2 Indication and intended use
With the stair climber CR2303 you can transport one person with limited mobility safely and
effortlessly up and down stairs. You can conquer nearly all kinds of stairs and spiral stairs, whether they
are inside or outside. Driving on slopes is also possible.
The stair climber is developed to be operated by just one person. This person must be
trained and physically and mentally capable of safely operating the CR2303. A sufficient vision
must imperatively be present. Minors below the age of 16 are not allowed to operate the CR2303!
Minors of at least 16 years are allowed to operate the CR2303, but only under supervision. Please bear
in mind that the use of a stair climber can entail a greater degree of risk and requires more skills than
those required to operate a wheelchair.
The life expectancy of the CR2303 depends on the intensity of the application and is approx. 5 years
under normal use. This statement implies compliance with all prescribed maintenance and service
specifications. The life expectancy can also be exceeded with careful handling. However, this life
expectancy can also be shortened due to overuse and improper handling.
This user manual is an all-purpose manual for the devices CR2303 and CR2313. The only difference
between the stair climbers is a difference in the maximum height of step. You can see which version
you have by checking the serial number. The CR2303‘s maximum step height is 210 mm. The extended
version CR2313 can overcome 225 mm (see chapter 4.4 - max. height of step). All chapters of this user
manual are valid for the types CR2303 and CR2313.
4 3 Contraindication
The CR2303 may not be used, if ..
the operator has not received training/instruction for the product!
the operator is younger than 16 years old!
the operator is a minor of at least 16 years, but there is no supervision!
the operator is physically and mentally unable to safely use the CR2303!
more than one person needs to be transported at the same time!
the person to be transported cannot sit independently!
the operator does not have sufficient visual capacity!
the braking effect is impaired due to rain, wet conditions, snow or ice!
the required braking effect (on one side or both sides) is not guaranteed!
escalators or travellators must be negotiated!
medical devices, for example with a life support function, and diagnostic devices, are nearby
the intended use is contradicted!
objects are to be transported!