1531-DBC 422 02 Uen B3 2013-12-02
7.35 Absence
(Only DBC 425). The phone has menu support for activation and deac-
tivation of:
Absence reason (message diversion)
Follow me
External follow me
Profile for personal number
When the user selects an absence service the phone sends the proce-
dure (*n#) to the PBX.
The absence services are defined in the configuration file, see the
description for
. If one absence
service is not defined in the configuration file, the corresponding menu is
not possible to access.
The absence reasons must be synchronized with the absence reasons
defined in the PBX and in the support system application (for example,
CMG or D.N.A).
Update of the IP phone software
This section describes the procedure when a new version of the soft-
ware is to be loaded in the IP phones. The phone will fetch the new
version of the software from the SW server, when the phone receives a
specific command from the gatekeeper or when the phone is restarted.
The procedure is:
In the product Revision Information (PRI) document for the new
version of the application, it is defined if there are new parameters
in the configuration file. The PRI is accessible in the same way as
a Service Advice:
If there are no new parameters in the configuration file:
Update the existing configuration file with the new firmware
If there are new parameters in the configuration file: Adapt the
new configuration file with the existing site dependant param-
eter values.
Store the configuration file on the software server, 7.9.3 Directory
structure on page 25.
Store the new bootROM and application software on the SW
server, 7.9.3 Directory structure on page 25.