1531-DBC 422 02 Uen B3 2013-12-02
there is a power failure during this phase, the phone has to load the soft-
ware again.
The next menu shows
Selftest OK.
The next step is to set the gatekeeper’s IP address and register the
extension towards the gatekeeper. This is described in 7.2.1 Starting a
phone in a LAN with a DHCP server on page 8.
Starting a DBC 425 phone
Starting a DBC 425 phone in a LAN with a DHCP server
This section describes the procedure when the phone uses IP
addresses provided by a DHCP server.
After power up of the IP phone the mute key LED will be lit for a couple
of seconds. Then the display will show:
Figure 22:
indicates a timer counting down seconds.
If the installation personnel want to change the IP settings, the adminis-
trator mode must be entered before the timer x is counted down to zero.
If no procedure for the administrator mode is entered, or if
No change
(F4) is pressed, the phone will use the current stored settings and
continue with the menu LAN access control.
If the procedure for administrator mode is entered, the following menu