Using Added Features to Make Efficient Phone Calls
Parking a Call Partner on a Line Key
You are connected with your call partner via a Line key and decide to park the party.
You can park your call partner on the current Line key.
Switching active lines
You are in a call and want to answer a call on another Line key or make a call.
You can switch lines by pressing a single key. The caller is automatically parked locally and later
reactivated by pressing the corresponding Line key.
Press the "Park" Foxkey.
The display shows "Executed". The LED next to the Line key flashes slowly.
To retrieve a parked call party: Press the relevant Line key.
You are now through to the parked call partner again.
Press the Line key you want.
The call partner is now parked. The selected line is activated.
To retrieve a parked call party: Press the relevant Line key.
You are now through to the parked call partner again.
To retrieve a parked call party: Press the relevant Line key.
However: You cannot use this method to take calls on busy lines.