Several examples of commands are shown below. All assume that the DPM
meter has been configured for decimal address 18 (12 hex) on the RS-485 bus:
1. To get currently selected Gas:
The DPM will reply:
!12,G:0,AIR<CR> (assuming the
Current Gas is #0, calibrated for AIR)
2. To get current Flow Rate Alarm
The DPM will reply:
!12,FAR:N<CR> (assuming no flow
alarm conditions)
3. To get a mass and volumetric flow
The DPM will reply:
!12,50.0,50.3<CR> (assuming the mass
flow is at 50% FS)
4. Set the High and Low Flow Alarm
limit to 90% and 10% of Full Scale
flow rate:
The DPM will reply:
The global address can be used to change RS-485 address for a particular
device without local display and joystick interface with unknown address:
1. Make sure only one device (whose address must be changed) is connected
to the RS-485 network.
2. Type the memory write command with the global address:
!00,MW,118,XX,<CR> where XX, the new hexadecimal address, can be
from 01 to FF.
After the new address has been assigned, a device will accept commands with
the new address.
The default RS-485 address for all units is 11. Never
submit the start character with a two-character hexadecimal device
address for the RS-232 option.
Address 00 is reserved for global addressing. Do not assign
the global address to any device. When commands with the global
address are sent, all devices on the RS-485 bus execute the command
but do not reply with an acknowledgement message.