6.5 SCHEMA ELETTRICO HUB RADIATOR DHP 7.8 + 7.8 + 7.8 + 7.8
M1 - M2 booster set
Pb1 technical water probe
Pb3 probe Booster
Pb4 electric resistance probe
TA room thermostat
R electrical resistance
Dixell digital controller CD
RR resistance relay
RP pump relay
R DHW diverter relay DHW
R E / I relay devistric summer / winter
ON OFF remote on / off
C compressor
1 reversing valve
2 fan
TM thermostat minimum
IR resistance switch
I E / I east / inv. Switch
VD1 DHW / thermal diverter valve
VD2 diverter valve summer / winter
P system pump
RB1 relay Booster 1
RB2 relay Booster 2
Or programmer clock
R1 relay priority health
Summer / winter operation
Coin green button pressed and LED on, the system is in mode
winter, with red button pressed and led off
the system is in summer mode.
Operation with activated support resistance
To use the resistance to integration just activate "IR"
pressing the green button with the lightning symbol.
In this way the control unit will decide when resistance help is needed that will work in support of the
heat pump.
In this mode the LED will be on.