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Revision History
February 2019
General update and removal of C-API into a separate document.
September 2013
Substantial additions, including incorporation of the C-language
programming API details, new CO, OE and OD options, and use of new
text processing tools.
April 2010
Added: RG8R platform, Platform data, Usage information.
June 2007
Added: Multi-unit synchronisation, Delta Time-Tags,Packet
Generator / Checker.
November 2006
Initial version.
Legal notice and disclaimer: Copyright
2018 4Links Limited, all rights reserved. The name 4Links and the accompanying device are registered as a
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acknowledged, and 4Links makes no claim to the word SpaceWire being a 4Links trademark. The information supplied in this document is believed to be
accurate at the date of issue. 4Links reserves the right to change specifications or to discontinue products without notice. 4Links assumes no liability arising
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