Picaso Processor
2017 4D Labs Semiconductors
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4D Labs - Workshop4 IDE
Workshop4 is a comprehensive software IDE that
provides an integrated software development
platform for all of the 4D family of processors and
modules. The IDE combines the Editor, Compiler,
Linker and Down- Loader to develop complete 4DGL
application code. All user application code is
developed within the Workshop4 IDE.
The Workshop4 IDE supports multiple development
environments for the user, to cater for different user
requirements and skill level.
The Designer environment enables the user to
write 4DGL code in its natural form to program
the Picaso module.
A visual programming experience, suitably called
ViSi, enables drag-and-drop type placement of
objects to assist with 4DGL code generation and
allows the user to visualise how the display will
look while being developed.
An advanced environment called ViSi-Genie
doesn’t require any 4DGL coding at all, it is all
done automatically for you. Simply lay the display
out with the objects you want, set the events to
drive them and the code is written for you
automatically. ViSi-Genie provides the latest rapid
development experience from 4D Labs.
A Serial environment is also provided to
transform the Picaso module into a slave serial
module, allowing the user to control the display
from any host microcontroller or device with a
serial port.
The Workshop4 IDE is available from the 4D Labs
For a comprehensive manual on the Workshop4 IDE
Software along with other documents, refer to the
documentation from the 4D Labs website, on the
Workshop4 product page.
Designer Environment
Choose the Designer environment to write 4DGL code
in its raw form.
The Designer environment provides the user with a
simple yet effective programming environment where
pure 4DGL code can be written, compiled and
downloaded to the Picaso.
ViSi Environment
ViSi was designed to make the creation of graphical
displays a more visual experience.
ViSi is a great software tool that allows the user to see
the instant results of their desired graphical layout.
Additionally, there is a selection of inbuilt dials, gauges
and meters that can simply be placed onto the
simulated module display. From here each object can
have its properties edited, and at the click of a button
all relevant 4DGL code associated with that object is
produced in the user program. The user can then write
4DGL code around these objects to utilise them in the
way they choose.