Picaso Processor
2017 4D Labs Semiconductors
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System Pins
VCC pins (Device Supply Voltage):
Device supply voltage pins. These pins must be
connected to a regulated supply voltage in the range
of 3.0 Volts to 3.6 Volts DC. Nominal operating voltage
is 3.3 Volts.
GND pins (Device Ground):
Device ground pins. These pins must be connected to
system ground.
RESET pin (Device Master Reset):
Device Master Reset pin. An active low pulse of
greater than 2 micro-seconds will reset the device.
Connect a resistor (1K through to 10K, nominal 4.7K)
from this pin to VCC. Only use open collector type
circuits to reset the device if an external reset is
required. This pin is not driven low by any internal
CLK1, CLK2 pins (Device Oscillator Inputs):
CLK1 and CLK2 are the device oscillator pins. Connect
a 12MHz AT strip cut crystal with 22pF capacitors from
each pin to GND as shown in the diagram below.
4DGL – Software Language
The Picaso processor belongs to a family of processors
powered by a highly optimised soft core virtual
engine, EVE (Extensible Virtual Engine).
EVE is a proprietary, high performance virtual-
machine with an extensive byte-code instruction set
optimised to execute compiled 4DGL programs. 4DGL
(4D Graphics Language) was specifically developed
from ground up for the EVE engine core. It is a high
level language which is easy to learn and simple to
understand yet powerful enough to tackle many
embedded graphics applications.
4DGL is a graphics oriented language allowing rapid
application development, and the syntax structure
was designed using elements of popular languages
such as C, Basic, Pascal and others.
Programmers familiar with these languages will feel
right at home with 4DGL. It includes many familiar
instructions such as IF..ELSE..ENDIF, WHILE..WEND,
well as some specialised instructions SERIN, SEROUT,
GFX_LINE, GFX_CIRCLE and many more.
For detailed information pertaining to the 4DGL
language, please refer to the following documents:
4DGL Programmer's Reference Manual
Picaso Internal Functions Manual
To assist with the development of 4DGL applications,
the Workshop4 IDE combines a full-featured editor, a
compiler, a linker and a downloader into a single PC-
based application. It's all you need to code, test and
run your applications.