3M™ MicroTouch™ Software MT 7 User Guide
3M Touch Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information – 25695K
Touch Driver Did Not Load
Check Windows® device manager under
mice and pointing devices
to see if the
MicroTouch drive is loaded and running without errors (under
system devices
for the
MicroTouch bus driver (used only for EX serial sensors)).
If these are missing, run Installdriver.bat inside WINNT\Program Files\
MicroTouch\MT7 to reload the driver.
If this does not work then run Removedriver.bat, reboot then rerun Installdriver.bat.
Right-click Tool Buttons Are Swapped
Using the control panel, it is possible to change which button on a mouse generates the
"left" and "right" clicks. This feature allows left-handed people to use their index finger
to produce a left click. This setting causes the touch driver to also reverse the meaning of
a touch. Normally, a touch produces a left click. With the changed setting above, a touch
starts producing a right-click.
To address this, edit the file "TwFactory.cfg" in the MT 7 for Windows™ software
directory. If this file is empty, add in the text:
Between these two lines, add a new line:
Save the file.
Open a command line window and set your working directory to the MT 7 for
Windows™ directory. Issue the command: TwCfgUtil /u TwFactory.cfg
At this point, your touches start producing the desired left-clicks.
If your system supports multiple users, you may need to create separate files, such as
TwLeft.cfg and TwRight.cfg. In TwLeft.cfg, set SwapMouseButtons to 1 and in
TwRight.cfg, set SwapMouseButtons to 0.
Add the above TwCfgUtil to each user's Startup menu or login script, using TwLeft.cfg
or TwRight.cfg as appropriate.
A Previous Version of TouchWare Software Was Detected
Before making any changes to the registry files, be sure to make a backup copy.
If the MT 7 installer reports this, then uninstall TouchWare by going to Start
Uninstall TouchWare. Do not install MT 7 over a previous
version of software.