3M™ MicroTouch™ Software MT 7 User Guide
3M Touch Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information – 25695K
The Installer produces a catalog file, TwTouch.pbcxml that reflects the
components that are installed and could be included in a project.
Instructions for Platform Builder for Microsoft Windows® CE 6.0 R3
As installed, MT 7 should operate under the Platform Builder for Windows® CE 6.0 R3
and above without any user changes. If you open a project for a CE 6.0 device using
platform builder under Catalog Item Views, you will see an entry for MT7 drivers under
Third Party
Device Drivers
3M Touch Systems
Add the MT7 drivers and the Control Panel application by selecting the check boxes next
to the MT7 catalog items. Once the relevant catalog items are selected, verify that the
new items appear as subprojects in the Solution Explorer (as shown in the picture below).