3M™ MicroTouch™ Software MT 7 User Guide
3M Touch Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information – 25695K
To override this behavior, set the symbol MT7FontSanSerif to a proper X Windows font
name. To find a suitable font, use the xlsfonts command or other suitable utility that lists
the available fonts. In a command prompt, set the symbol, export it, and run the MT 7
calibration utility TwCalib. Experiment with the value of MT7FontSansSerif until the
calibration text is suitable. For example, if MT 7 for Linux® is in /etc/twscreen, a test
sequence may be:
> MT7FontSansSerif="-*-utopia-*"
> export MT7FontSansSerif
> /etc/twscreen/TwCalib
You can also test your font string with xlsfonts. After setting MT7FontSansSerif, issue
the command 'xlsfonts -fn $MT7FontSansSerif' to see what font, if any, matches.
If you find a suitable font, change your system login script, such as /etc/profile.local, to
set and export MT7FontSansSerif.
Known Issues
Refer to the Readme.txt file for a list of known issues associated with this release.