3M™ MicroTouch™ Software MT 7 User Guide
3M Touch Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information – 25695K
Windows® XP Embedded Overview
MT 7 Software, a member of the MicroTouch™ Software Suite, provides unified driver
support for MicroTouch touch technologies over a wide range of operating systems. This
version supports Microsoft Windows® XP Embedded (XPe) operating system.
This product includes a Touch driver, Control Panel, Calibration Tool, and Multiple
Display Tool that provide enhanced touch features on your system.
Installation Instructions
Using Windows® Explorer, browse to the software distribution and double-click on the
Setup program to start the installation. If you downloaded the distribution, unzip the file
into another directory beforehand.
Follow the instructions given by the Setup program. The installer loads the Touch driver
and Utilities including On-line Help (optional) files on the development system.
The Installer puts the files in a default directory called C:\MT7_XPe\. You may select a
different location if desired.
Loading MT 7 Into The Components Database Manager
Use the Microsoft Component Database Manager (CDM) to add the MT 7 components to
your XPe database. In the CDM, go to the Database tab and click on the Import button. In
the resulting dialog, browse to C:\MT7_XPe and select the MT7.SLD file. Click the
Import button to make the MT 7 components available to Target Designer.
MT 7 Component Selection In Target Designer
Use the Microsoft Target Designer to select the specific MT 7 components you want for
your target device. Inside the Target Designer, the Component Browser contains the MT
7 components you added with the CDM.
Use this Browser to select the MT 7 components for your target image. The only required
component is the MT 7 Touch driver. In the Component Browser, look under
"Hardware:Devices:Mice and other pointing devices". Select the 3M Touch Systems
MT7 Touch driver.