UP Mini 3D Printer User Manual
There is always a delicate balance between
the amount of support material, versus the quality of
the part, versus the difficulty of removing support m
The orientation of the part on the print platform is also
critical in determining both how much support material
gets used, and also how difficult the support material
will be to remove.
As a general rule, it is easier to remove support material
from the outside of a part than from the inside. As can
be seen in the picture to the right, the part would use a
lot more support material if printed with the opening
facing downwards than if it were facing upwards.
However to achieve the
Support - Dense:
This represents how many layers of ‘solid’ (dense) material form part of the su
port structure directly beneath the model.
Support - Space:
The distance between the lines of
rameter requires some experience in balancing the qua
tity of support material used, ease of support material
removal, and part print quality.
Support - Area:
The surface area above which support
material gets used. When you choose
area is less than 5mm
3D Printer User Manual
There is always a delicate balance between minimizing
the amount of support material, versus the quality of
the part, versus the difficulty of removing support ma-
The orientation of the part on the print platform is also
critical in determining both how much support material
also how difficult the support material
As a general rule, it is easier to remove support material
from the outside of a part than from the inside. As can
be seen in the picture to the right, the part would use a
material if printed with the opening
facing downwards than if it were facing upwards.
This represents how many layers of ‘solid’ (dense) material form part of the su
port structure directly beneath the model.
Default = 3 layers
The distance between the lines of non-solid support material.
experience in balancing the quan-
tity of support material used, ease of support material
removal, and part print quality.
The surface area above which support
material gets used. When you choose 5mm
, for example, there will be no support if the overhanging
This represents how many layers of ‘solid’ (dense) material form part of the sup-
Changing this pa-
, for example, there will be no support if the overhanging