Hobby Knife
Small Phillips Screwdriver
Set Metric Allen Wrenches
Small Pliers
Wire Cutters
Adjustable wrench
Masking tape
Drill and drill bits
Threadlocker (Blue Loctite)
Polyurethane and/or 30min epoxy glue
Rubbing alcohol
Optional – Heat gun and covering iron
Dremel tool
Assembly Instructions – Read completely before starting assembly!
Unpack your airplane and examine the components. Check for damage of any kind. If you have
damage, please contact 3DHobbyShop to discuss. Contact info listed above.
Your airplane was packed in plastic at the factory without any wrinkles in the covering. You may
notice some wrinkles now; more likely, you will notice a few in a day or two or the first time you
take the plane out to the flying field. These wrinkles are the result of wood shrinkage and/or
expansion. Balsa wood changes size and shape slightly as it is exposed to varying humidity in
the air. This is a natural property of balsa wood. As your airplane adjusts to the weather in your
part of the world, wrinkles may appear and disappear. Wrinkles may be removed with the gentle