NEVER fly near overhead power or utility lines. If your airplane ever becomes stuck in a
line or a tree DO NOT attempt to retrieve it yourself. Contact the authorities for
assistance in retrieving your aircraft. Power lines are DANGEROUS and falls from
ladders and trees CAN KILL!
Never fly too close to yourself or spectators. Spinning propellers are DANGEROUS!
Never run your motor inside a house or building with the propeller attached Remove the
prop for safety. Always fly within your control.
Always follow manufacturers instructions for your radio system.
Always preform a pre-flight check of your aircraft to be certain of the aircraft's
Always obtain proper insurance before flying. Alway fly model aircraft in
accordance with the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Safety Code.
Visit the AMA's website at
for more information.
Limits of Responsibility
3D Hobby Shop provides high-quality aircraft and components to it's
customers and end users. These aircraft and components are
assembled by the end user to produce a flying model. It is beyond 3D
Hobby Shop's control to monitor the end user's completed aircraft.
Therefore, 3D Hobby Shop in no way accepts or assumes
responsibility or liability for damages resulting from the end user
assembled product. The end user assumes all responsibility and
liability in use of 3D Hobby Shop aircraft and components and
agreeing to hold harmless 3D Hobby Shop, it's distributors and