Network diagram
Figure 1-10
Network diagram for the DNS test
HWPing Client
IP network
DNS Server
Configuration procedure
Configure DNS Server:
Use Windows 2003 Server as the DNS server. For DNS server configuration, refer to the related
instruction on Windows 2003 Server configuration.
Configure HWPing Client (Switch)
# Enable the HWPing client.
<device> system-view
[device] hwping-agent enable
# Create a HWPing test group, setting the administrator name to "administrator" and test tag to "dns".
[device] hwping administrator dns
# Configure the test type as
[device-hwping-administrator-dns] test-type dns
# Configure the IP address of the DNS server as
[device-hwping-administrator-dns] dns-server
# Configure to resolve the domain name www.test.com.
[device-hwping-administrator-dns] dns resolve-target www.test.com
# Configure to make 10 probes per test.
[device-hwping-administrator-dns] count 10
# Set the probe timeout time to 5 seconds.
[device-hwping-administrator-dns] timeout 5
# Start the test.
[device-hwping-administrator-dns] test-enable
# Display test results.
[device-hwping-administrator-dns] display hwping results administrator dns
HWPing entry(admin administrator, tag dns) test result:
Destination ip address:
Send operation times: 10 Receive response times: 10
Min/Max/Average Round Trip Time: 6/10/8
Square-Sum of Round Trip Time: 756
Last complete test time: 2006-11-28 11:50:40.9
Extend result:
SD Maximal delay: 0 DS Maximal delay: 0
Packet lost in test: 0%
Disconnect operation number: 0 Operation timeout number: 0