You may also download two copies of the host software package and specify one as the main boot file
and the other as the backup boot file.
2) Upgrade the Boot ROM program.
<3Com> bootrom update file flash:/ SWITCH002.app slot 0
This command will update bootrom file on the specified board(s), Continue? [Y/N]:y
Now updating bootrom, please wait...
Start accessing bootflash chip...
Bootrom update succeeded.
3) Set the main and backup boot files.
Set the main boot file.
<3Com> boot-loader file flash:/ SWITCH002.app slot 0 main
This command will set boot file of the specified board, Continue? [Y/N]:y
The specified file will be used as a main boot file at the next time!
Set the backup boot file.
<3Com> boot-loader file flash:/ SWITCH001.app slot 0 backup
This command will set boot file of the specified board, Continue? [Y/N]:y
The specified file will be used as a backup boot file at the next time!
Display the boot file information.
<3Com> display boot-loader
The primary app to boot of board 0 at this time is: flash:/SWITCH001.app
The primary app to boot of board 0 at next time is: flash: /SWITCH002.app
The slave app to boot of board 0 at next time is: flash:/SWITCH001.app
<3Com> reboot
(Make sure that other configuration is saved before rebooting the system.)
After the above steps, you have completed upgrading of the Boot ROM program and the host software.
Note that you must execute the
command to validate the host software package. If the Flash
memory does not have enough space, you can delete some program files on the Flash after completing
the Boot ROM upgrade. (You are recommended to delete the host software packages that are no longer
in use.) Then you can download the desired host software package to the switch through FTP to
upgrade the host software.
Note that the switch cannot be powered off during loading process.
Upgrading Using TFTP
Upgrading using TFTP is similar to upgrading using FTP, except that the protocol used for downloading
is TFTP. In this case, the switch can only function as a TFTP client to download software from the TFTP
server to its Flash. After software is downloaded, the remaining procedure is the same as that in the
case of upgrading using FTP.