[Switch-hwtacacs-hwtac] user-name-format without-domain
[Switch-hwtacacs-hwtac] quit
# Configure the RADIUS scheme.
[Switch] radius scheme rd
[Switch-radius-rd] primary accounting 1813
[Switch-radius-rd] key accounting expert
[Switch-radius-rd] server-type extended
[Switch-radius-rd] user-name-format without-domain
[Switch-radius-rd] quit
# Create a local user named
[Switch] local-user hello
[Switch-luser-hello] service-type telnet
[Switch-luser-hello] password simple hello
[Switch-luser-hello] quit
# Configure the AAA methods for the ISP domain.
[Switch] domain bbb
[Switch-isp-bbb] authentication login local
[Switch-isp-bbb] authorization login hwtacacs-scheme hwtac
[Switch-isp-bbb] accounting login radius-scheme rd
[Switch-isp-bbb] quit
# Configure the default AAA methods for all types of users.
[Switch] domain bbb
[Switch-isp-bbb] authentication default local
[Switch-isp-bbb] authorization default hwtacacs-scheme hwtac
[Switch-isp-bbb] accounting default radius-scheme imc
When telneting into the switch, a user enters username telnet@bbb for authentication using domain
AAA for SSH Users by a RADIUS Server
Network requirements
As shown in
Figure 1-9
, configure the switch to use the RADIUS server to provide authentication,
authorization, and accounting services to SSH users.
Configure an iMC server to act as the RADIUS server to provide authentication, authorization, and
accounting services for SSH users. The IP address of the RADIUS server is
Set both the shared keys for authentication and accounting packets exchanged with the RADIUS
server to
; and specify that a username sent to the RADIUS server carries the domain
name. The RADIUS server provides different user services according to the domain names.