The FAA allows the
Aer X onboard all
U.S. aircraft; here are
a few points to make
air travel easy.
Planning Your Flight
When flying with your Aer X, you
must inform the airline that you
will be using your Aer X onboard
the aircraft. You must always
keep a signed statement from
your physician with you that
Your ability to see/hear alarms
and appropriately respond.
When oxygen use is necessary
(all or a portion of the trip).
Maximum flow rate corresponding
to the pressure in the cabin under
normal operating conditions.
A new statement will not be
necessary each time you fly, but
the statement should be available
during every flight.
Some airlines may equip their
aircraft with onboard electrical
power. You may have an
opportunity to request a seat with
a power port which can be used
to power your Aer X. However,
availability varies by airline, type
of aircraft and class of service.
You should check with your airline
for availability and always plan on
having sufficient battery power
for the duration of your flight,
plus a conservative estimate of
unanticipated delays.