2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
The maximum SMS length is 160 characters.
This is a GSM
standard, which allows 1120 bits, i.e. 140 bytes, per SMS. Since 7–bit
encoding is used by default, 20 characters are saved per 140 bytes
and so the resultant length is 160 characters. The GSM 03.38
character set is applied. UCS–2 16–bit encoding is used for the
characters that are not included in the ASCII standard (characters
with diacritics). In that case, the SMS contains only 70 characters.
Not supporting the UCS–2 character set, 2N SmartCOM
cannot process such SMS correctly and marks them as errors.
Modern GSM devices support SMS concatenating where several
standard SMS are merged into a long one. Information on each
fragment of the long SMS is written into the User Data Header (UDH)
and so no fragment may be longer than 153 chars in 7–bit encoding.
Not supporting the UDH encoding system, 2N SmartCOM
cannot process such SMS correctly and marks them as errors.
Send the following message to identify the provider, IMSI, IMEI or serial number of
2N SmartCOM
SC INFO PWD=<password>
Remember to enter the correct password into the SMS to avoid SMS
ignoring as a SPAM.
The reply to such SMS can, for example, look as follows:
SIG=–71dBm OPER=T–Mobile CZ IMSI=230015001155344 IMEI=355915030750962
The reply format depends on the current terminal mode.
The reply for the TCP and UDP client modes is as follows:
SIG=<signal_level> OPER=<operator> IMSI=<sim_card_imsi>IMEI=<module_imei>
SN=<terminal_serial_number> LIP=<local_ip>FW=<terminal_fw_version>