2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
Real Time Clock
This function is available in the
version only. The real time clock
is backed up by a super capacitor, which keeps it running for 2 days in the event of
switch–off or power failure. The clock is programmed via the configuration AT interface
or from the
Server automatically.
2N SmartCOM
Wireless M–Bus Interface
This function is available in the
version only, which is equipped
with an optional Wireless M-Bus interface. The WM-Bus interface parameters depend
on the module used (radio frequency, e.g.). You can define up to 64 meters from which
the device can collect readings. Having received a WM-Bus message from a meter
defined in the meter table,
saves the message into a circular
buffer in the internal memory. The saved data can be retrieved and deleted starting
from the oldest record. When the memory fills up, the oldest data are deleted
automatically to make space to new records. You can define the minimum reading
interval for each meter. Any reading received from a meter before the end of this
interval will not be stored.
The WM-Bus module can work and support encrypted messages in four modes: T1, S1,
C1 and T1+C. In the basic configuration, the terminal does not decrypt messages and
saves them as received. If you enter the correct encryption key and enable decryption,
the received message will be decrypted and saved as a decrypted message. The
encryption keys are not stored in the terminal memory for safety reasons, but written
directly into the module. Therefore, if encryption fails, make sure that the device is
transmitting properly, check the device settings in the terminal and re-enter the
encryption key.