2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
The window displays the current statistic data on calls. There are LOG file saving and
LOG listing updating icons in the lower part of the window. Refer to
, page for
Subs. 6.7
the statistic data format details.
Current call info
The window displays the currently made calls. There are LOG file saving and listing
updating icons in the lower part of the window.
Connection state
The window shows the state of all available configuration sessions. There are LOG file
saving and listing updating icons in the lower part of the window.
AutoCLIP routing table
The window displays the current state of the AutoCLIP table. There are LOG file saving
and listing updating icons in the lower part of the window.
The maximum AutoCLIP routing table capacity is 128 records.
SIP registration
The window displays the current state of the gateway SIP registration.
ISDN lines
The window shows the state of each ISDN BRI interface of the gateway.
Online report
The window provides online GSM gateway tracing.