Community
Enter
the
name
of
the
community
to
which
the
device
belongs.
string
of
to
characters
(1
to
Chinese
characters)
can
be
entered.
Building
Enter
the
No.
of
the
building
where
the
device
is
located.
The
value
must
be
an
integer
in
the
valid
range
of
to
99.
Configurable
Units
Select
the
quantity
of
units
that
can
be
served
by
the
device
from
the
drop
‐
down
list.
The
options
are
0,
1,
2,
and
3.
Unit
Enter
the
No.
of
the
unit
where
the
device
is
located.
The
value
is
an
integer
in
the
valid
range
of
to
9.
Changing
the
device
type
will
restart
the
device
and
restore
the
authentication
mode
to
the
default
configuration.
9.
Personalization
(1)
Ad
Mode
The
face
recognition
terminal
supports
ads
(pictures
only).
The
configuration
is
as
follows:
(1)
Choose
Setup
>
Common
>
Personalization
and
click
the
Ad
Mode
tab.
(2)
Set
the
ad
mode
by
referring
to
the
table
below.
Figure7-29
Ad
Mode
Setting
Interface
Table7-14
Parameter
Configuration
Parameter
Description
and
Configuration
Ad
Mode
On
Off
Select
whether
to
enable
the
ad
mode
based
on
actual
conditions.
Ad
Image
Play
Internal(s)
Set
the
interval
for
playing
ad
images.
The
value
is
an
integer
in
the
range
of
1s
to
3600s.
The
default
value
is
10s.
Standby
Time(s)
When
the
duration
in
which
the
face
recognition
terminal
does
not
detect
a
face
reaches
the
time
set
here,
the
face
recognition
terminal
enters
the
ad
mode.
The
value
is
an
integer
in
the
range
of
10s
to
3600s.
The
default
value
is
10s.
The
face
recognition
terminal
exits
the
ad
mode
when
the
face
scan
fails
or
a
user
taps
the