Bitbox 2.5 User’s Manual
7/17/19 11:13:00 AM
Copyright 1010music LLC 2019
Page 8 of 42
Digital Heart – Analog Soul
Main Screen Overview
The bitbox touchscreen allows you to do activities on your modular rack that previously required a computer. The user
interface allows you to see the waveforms and take actions on them. It also allows you to see the names of WAV files you are
working with and to control numerous parameters with the use of 4 knobs. You can touch cells to trigger and select them, and
touch on-screen buttons to take an action.
The Main screen of the bitbox firmware provides ready access to the WAV files in the selected preset. The grid on the Main
Screen contains 16 gray cells that can each be assigned one WAV file. Each preset may contain a different configuration of
WAV files and parameters. The cells display the name of the selected WAV file. A blue bar across the bottom of the cell
represents the playback state of the cell. The four cells along the right side of the screen,
labeled EXT1 through EXT4, are mapped to external inputs. The column to the left of the
EXT cells can also be used as additional external outputs EXT5 through EXT8, in addition to
simultaneously being used to trigger samples mapped to those cells. You can touch a cell
on the screen to select it. The selected cell is highlighted pink. Press the
button to
drill down and see more information about that cell. In some cases you can then press
again to access more information about the cell. Press
to navigate back up the
screen hierarchy. You can also use the control knobs to scroll through the cells. The top two
knobs scroll horizontally, and the bottom two knobs scroll vertically. The control knobs allow
you to select a cell without triggering it.
A counter in the top left corner of the screen tracks the number of measures and beats (e.g.
in the example) that have
played since the clock started. Reset the measure counter by powering down the module, stopping the CV clock input for a
few seconds, or sending a MIDI Start signal.
Main Screen